
Maternal instincts or (please let it be borderline and no more) insanity?

Spent the afternoon working from our dining table for a change of scenery since my desk is now beginning to get boring. No green thoughts happening in that space as of this morning which is why we need to part company for at least a week. Maybe that'll bring back the mystery in that relationship! Speaking of which, I really need to do something new to my bedroom walls. But this post is not about that.

So I make my way back upstairs around 7 pm. Plan of action: put laptop away on my desk and call it a day as far as the little thing - aka dissertation chapter 3 or is it 4? – I’m working on goes. So as I’m about to enter my room I bang the top left corner of my laptop against the door's frame. And it doesn’t even take me a split second for me to say right away “poor baby” as I gently caress the corner that I banged as I would if I bumped the head of a baby I was carrying. Complete with sympathetic pout and a tone pregnant with concern. And as I checked for damages my reaction (finally!) struck me. I said “poor baby” to a laptop and meant it!!!!! Hello? Earth to me?

Okay I’ll admit I’ve been thinking about making it to motherhood someday in hopefully the not very distant future (gotta find Mr. Right/Perfect or, to be slightly more realistic, Mr. Not Perfect-But-I-Love-You-Anyway; men with the phonetic sound "sh" anywhere in their name please do not bother to apply though because I have a theory about this) but this was a tad ridiculous. Then again I have a gorgeous, pretty, still shiny powerbook that might need TLC to keep it that way. After all, with my various plane trips, my machine has been through enough. What with having to go through all that screening in those dirty, plastic, scratch-happy containers without so much as its sleeve? I mean is that really necessary? After all, my laptop doesn’t have to be subjected to this cruelty at airports outside of North America.

Hmm….am I just going insane? I think I am. It’s like I’m having a “Gilmore Girls” (drama/comedy about a mom and her daughter living in suburban Connecticut that has become my shamefully bad habit/indulgence for the past month) moment. I declare tomorrow as an official writing hiatus. Writing this post I'm convinced that I need it desperately to say the least. Maybe I’ll just read something so I don’t feel as guilty! Or I'll watch a film related to the India-Pakistan conflict that I haven't included in my dissertation.

So was this behavior maternal instinct or (borderline) insanity? Apparently my own embarrassment at my reflex response to this wasn’t sufficient so I’ve decided to share it with all passers-by of this blog.

PS – For anyone who is wondering, the powerbook is fine. Just woke up from its sleep a bit wonky and I’m really hoping it isn’t scratched because I hate that and will obsess, albeit in varying degrees and less frequently as time passes, about it till I can purchase a new machine. This is not looking good people! But I will survive. Okay now that horrendous song (“I will survive”) is soooo staying in my head till tomorrow – yikes!


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